ISF DP Computer Science

OOP Part 2 #

[0] Melee #

Today’s lab will build on the code from last class.

๐Ÿ’ป open up your lab_oop_yourgithubusername repository in IntelliJ

Add Melee class #

๐Ÿ’ป Make new class Melee inside the model package

  • Right-click on the package model
  • Select new > Java class
  • Name the class Melee
  • Add the class to git when IntelliJ prompts you

Main Method #

๐Ÿ’ป Add a main() method to Melee. Main methods always have the same declaration:

public static void main(String[] args) 
  • public: this means it can be accessed outside of this class
  • static: this means this method belongs to the whole class, not just one particular object
  • void: this means it will not return anything
  • String[] args: this means that this method can accept parameters from the user

๐Ÿ’ป Create 4 Superhuman objects in the main() method.

Since they are in the same model, Melee can access the Superhuman class. However, it can only access attributes/methods that have the public access modifier.

Because the main() method is static, we can run it even before we have created a constructor for Melee.

Be sure to test our your main() method to make sure it’s working before moving on!

Attributes and Constructor #

๐Ÿ’ป Add the following attributes to the Melee class.

  • villains: an array of size 20, that holds Superhuman objects
  • heroes: an array of size 20, that holds Superhuman objects
  • villainPoints: int
  • heroPoints: int

How to use arrays:

int[] myArray; // declare a new array variable
myArray = new int[20]; //create an new array of integers and save it in your variable
myArray[0] = 8; //adds the integer 8 at index 0

๐Ÿ’ป Add a constructor to Melee.

The constructor is the method that runs when a new object is created. Remember, the constructor must have the same name as the class. Take a look at the constructor from the other classes in this lab for inspiration.

The Melee constructor should takes no parameters. It creates arrays for villains and heroes. It sets bothvillainPoints and heroPoints to zero.

Constructors automatically return an object of their class, so you don’t need any return statement

[1] Fight #

Add Attributes to Superhuman #

We want to make it so that two of the superhumans can fight. However, first we need to know how what power the superhuman has, and how strong they are:

๐Ÿ’ป Add three attributes: strength, powers, and isVillain to the Superhuman class.

strength: an int that stores how powerful they are
power: a String that stores the name of their power
isVillain: a boolean that stores whether the super is a villain or not.

๐Ÿ’ป For each new attribute, create a setter and a getter (aka mutator and accessor).

๐Ÿ’ป Update the Superhuman constructor to include parameters for the new attributes. You will also need to update any Superhuman objects that you create to include these new attributes.

Add Fight method #

๐Ÿ’ป Add a method fight() to the Melee class.

  • Parameters: two Superhuman objects, a hero and a villain
  • Return: one Superhuman object (the winner of the fight)
  • The winner should be whoever has a higher strength
  • The loser should reduce their strength by 1 point
  • The method should print a message to the terminal saying who won and what their power was.
  • The method should increase heroPoints or villainPoints, depending on who won the fight.

๐Ÿ’ป Be sure to thoroughly test fight() in the main() method.

[2] Sort the Superhumans #

๐Ÿ’ป In the main() method, create at least 10 Superhuman, and add 5 to each of the arrays, villains and heroes.

๐Ÿ’ป Add a method sortSupers(), that sorts the Superhumans array based on their ages.

[3] Deliverables #


Push to Github #

๐Ÿ’ป Select Commit from the menu on the left.

Select all your updated files. Be sure to include a descriptive commit message.

๐Ÿ’ป Click Commit and Push

๐Ÿ’ป Click Push