ISF DP Computer Science


This lab provides several examples of simple UML diagrams for single classes, and examples of how that translates into Java code.

[0] Setup #

For this lab, we will continue working in the lab_oop repository

[1] Example UML Diagram + Java Code #

Here is an example of a Java class and its correspoinding UML diagram

public class Student {
	// attributes 
    private String name;
    private String[] subjects;
    private int idNumber;

    public Student(String name, String[] subjects, int idNumber) { = name;
        this.subjects = subjects;
        this.idNumber = idNumber;

	//accessors and mutators
    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    public String[] getSubjects() {
        return subjects;

    public void setSubjects(String[] subjects) {
        this.subjects = subjects;

    public int getIdNumber() {
        return idNumber;

    public void setIdNumber(int idNumber) {
        this.idNumber = idNumber;

classDiagram class Student { -String name -String[] subjects -int idNumber +Student(String name, String[] subjects, int idNumber) + getName(): String + setName(name: String): void + getSubjects(): String[] + setSubjects(subjects: String[]): void + getIdNumber(): int + setIdNumber(idNumber: int): void }

[2] Exercises #

Cards 🃞 #

classDiagram class Card { -String suit -int number -String symbol + Card(suit: String, number: int, symbol: String) + getSuit(): String + setSuit(suit: String): void + getNumber(): int + setNumber(number: int): void + getSymbol(): char + setSymbol(symbol: char): void + printCard(): void }

Example card objects #


💻 Use the UML to create the class

💻 Add a main method and thoroughly test your code

Extensions #

💻 In your main method, write a nested loop that generates all 52 cards in the deck

💻 Add an isHigher method.

+isHigher(Card otherCard): boolean

It should return true if this card is higher, false if the other card is higher.

Vehicle 🚗 #

classDiagram class Vehicle { - model: String - year: int - mileage: int + Vehicle(plate: String, model: String, year: int) + increaseMileage(milesToAdd: int) : void + getModel(): String + setModel(model: String): void + getYear(): int + setYear(year: int): void + getMileage(): int + setMileage(mileage: int): void }

Example vehicle objects #


💻 Use the UML to create the class

💻 Add a main method and thoroughly test your code

Extensions #

💻 Add an showVehicle method that prints out an ASCII art representation of the vehicle.

💻 Add error handling to your methods so that:

  • The user cannot set the year to a year in the future or before cars existed
  • The mileage can only go up, not down

[3] Deliverables #


Push to Github #

💻 Select Commit from the menu on the left.

Select all your updated files. Be sure to include a descriptive commit message.

💻 Click Commit and Push

💻 Click Push

[4] Extension: GUI #

Follow this tutorial and try to add in a GUI using Java Swing.